Pitch Contest Winners 2022 COMING SOON!
Stop by the Hub 5PM on 9/28 to vote for this year's winners.
Pitch Contest Winners 2021
The Pitch
The goal is to uncover information and perspectives from area residents about specific community topics relevant to this area. This Pitch Idea would ask residents of St. Johnsbury what they really think about various issues, including: housing, landlord-tenant issues, and vacant home/properties. After collecting that information it would be summarized for the community and then passed on to relevant government or business organization as applicable.
The Pitch
Organizing and creating a scavenger hunt for Downtown St. Johnsbury to highlight businesses, history and recreational opportunities in the local area. This scavenger hunt would be shared with the Welcome Center to be used as an attraction activity for visitors to the area. It will be something residents and visitors can do for fun and to (re)discover what is now available in the Downtown St. Johnsbury area.
The Pitch
Hosting a night/day of free childcare for parents and/or child caregivers. This would give older youth a supervised opportunity to serve as community babysitters and engage children in need of supervision with positive, supported play. Youth who serve as babysitters would be trained, so they could take this skill out into the community after the event date(s). It will allow community members, families and/or parents, to have quality time apart from those they are providing care to.
The Pitch
Raising awareness, increasing knowledge of the benefits and making alternative medicine practices accessible to the community. This Pitch Idea aims to offer community presentations, structured nature walks and information sessions to introduce and expand the community's connection to herbal practices, herbs growing locally/in nature, reiki and other energy practices.